Well this week was pretty good, we are looking in the area book for old investigators to teach and we have found really good success with it. We have three or four people that we have found and have been teaching for a few weeks, and this week we invited them to take a bigger step and be baptized!! They both said no.... But it's all good! Salvacion does not come easy, we are gonna keep working with them and see what happens, their names are Paola Sanchez and Alfredo Murillo. Alfredo is almost always in the church cause all his family are members wife, and three kids, just him no, and Paola has a sister who is a member so we got members working with us too! But we will see what happens. everyone has their agency .
So this week we had transfers and Tuesday my comp and I had to head over to the good ol airport to send everyone off to Cochabamba, and get the ones coming in from Cocha, its always fun jaja get to see a bunch of elders. Transfers worked out smooth and they all got their flights on time. Except for the elders in Tupiza (Tupiza is a zone like a solid 10 hour bus ride from the town to the airport.) So when they left there was a road block cause there was no water in the town and the town folk were not happy about that, so they couldn't get here to Sucre in time cause there were people in the road, so they stayed the night with us and we ate some fat sandwiches. I got pics. Than Wednesday at 5 in the morning back to the airport to send them off again. This time everything worked out.
Well yeah that was the week in short words, today for p-day we went to a cemetery jaja, it was real lame but pretty... and I ate a philly sandwich for lunch, but SpankyS makes them better, lesprometo (I promise)
Also fun tidbit there have been problems here in the mission with money and now in our zone we have no money :) lovin it..
I got new fotos on the D.R.I.V.E. love yallll chaooooo
all is well hereeee!!!